Hkeylocalmachine Software Clients Mail Default Program Associations Rating: 3,8/5 3956 votes

The default Group Policy templates for Outlook do not include a setting to configure the default e-mail client. Resolution To configure the default e-mail client using Group Policy, create a custom.adm template.

So I recently uninstalled Chrome and moved to Opera for various reasons. I'm loving it so far except I moderate a lot of Discord servers and so need to be able to open links from people's profiles by clicking on them. However the links only open in your default browser and the problem is that I can't set Opera as my default browser.

And setting it as the default browser from the Opera settings (by clicking 'Menu' in the top left and choosing 'Settings') doesn't seem to do anything as there are no signs of loading or anything happening once the button is clicked, and the default browser field is still blank in the Windows settings afterward. Is anyone able to help me out with this issue? Edit: I'm using Windows 10 64-bit with the latest update as of 15 January 2018.

Set the default browser back to Edge if you can. Pronumerovano proshnurovano i skrepleno pechatjyu obrazec. Then, download the Opera installer (use the latest Win x64 Setup from ), launch it, click 'options', set 'install path' to your existing install (should be 'C: Program Files Opera'), set 'install for' to 'All Users' and install/upgrade. If it won't let you select 'All Users', delete the Opera folder first. Then go back to Default Apps in Windows 10 and pick Opera (hopefully it's there now). If you have to, try it with the old default programs, which you launch with: control /name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms /page pageDefaultProgram in a command prompt.

Run the command prompt as administrator if needed. This tells me that there's an issue with Opera's registry keys and they're not getting fixed on a reinstall for some reason. Check if you have the following keys (and strings or other types in them when mentioned).


Also, check the shell/open/command keys in them if there to make sure the right command is in the command key. Also, check the 'Capabilities' subkeys to make sure the right types and protocols are registered. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Opera Software HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Clients StartMenuInternet OperaStable HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE RegisteredApplications -> 'Opera Stable' string that points to 'Software Clients StartMenuInternet OperaStable Capabilities' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion App Paths opera.exe -> Farzand tugilgan kun bilan tabriklash. with '(Defualt)' string that points to your launcher.exe with 'Path' string that points to your Opera directory. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Classes OperaStable HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Classes.html OpenWithProgIds with 'OperaStable' Binary as the first after '(Default)' or in '(Default'). Alright I've gone through and here's what shows and what doesn't: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Opera Software Yes HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Clients StartMenuInternet OperaStable Yes HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE RegisteredApplications -> 'Opera Stable' string that points to 'Software Clients StartMenuInternet OperaStable Capabilities' Yes HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion App Paths opera.exe -> with '(Defualt)' string that points to your launcher.exe with 'Path' string that points to your Opera directory.

Yes HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Classes OperaStable Yes HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Classes.html OpenWithProgIds with 'OperaStable' Binary as the first after '(Default)' or in '(Default'). HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Classes Applications opera.exe with '(Default)' string set to command that launches launcher.exe Yes HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software RegisteredApplications with 'Opera Stable' string that points to 'Software Clients StartMenuInternet OperaStable Capabilities' If you scroll down the rest of the strings look very similar save for the last one which is 'Firefox-308046B0AF4A39CB' and points to a directory relating to Firefox.