Spore Force Save Mod Download Rating: 5,0/5 3929 votes

How to install: Installing the mod is simple. You need to be at least somewhat familiar with modding or know a little about files.

If not, I would not recommend you try this in case you mess something up. Though honestly its pretty hard to mess this up.

Spore Force Save Mod Download

You want to download the mod with the link at the top of the OP. You will want to save your file to any location. I tend to save downloads on my desktop. Copy or cut the package file (Your force save mod you downloaded) And you are going to want to paste it into your games files. Your going to want to open up Computer > C Drive > Program Files (x (any number) ) > Electronic Arts > SPORE_EP1 > Data and you paste it in those folders.

Edit: I no longer have these with the exception of force save. I now have dark injections which loads fine but says the Data Directory is missing or corrupted.

You may not have the game running when you install the mod. How to edit your outfitted creatures with the mod: Once you have your game started up, go into any adventure. Once that has loaded you are going to want to open up your sporepedia in the corner of the screen. Go to my creations and click on the creatures tab. Find your creature you want to edit and click on it.

Spore force save mod download 1

If all goes well you should have the option to outfit it or edit it. Your going to want to hit the edit button. Whoster wrote:I tried installing it, and nothing happened.

I copied it, and pasted it to the Location you said. Could I be doing something wrong? Are you sure you're in the right data folder?

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If you have GA, then there'll be two of them, one in the regular SPORE folder, and one in the SPORE_EP1. If you have GA, you want it in the SPORE_EP1 data folder I believe (if it doesn't work just try putting it in the SPORE data folder) And as for if you want to remove the mod, all you have to do is delete the file you downloaded. Whoster wrote:Okay, I went to the spore GA EP1 folder file and pasted it there.

I know I put it in the right place, I did, maybe it just isn't compatible with my game? Oh, and this might help: When I click on the EP1 folder, then right click on it, and paste the mod to it, it starts spore almost right after I click 'paste' what's up with that? I'm thinking maybe I'm not doing it right or something. You have to be inside the Data folder inside the EP1 folder, not just the EP1 folder itself. And are you right clicking on the folder itself, because you're not supposed to do that. Just right click in the blank white area, and a paste option should come up, like this. Whoster wrote:Thanks, but seeing that I realize I've got it completely wrong.

I must have been putting it in the wrong place completely. What I did before was go to 'Computer' and type in 'Spore' and then I'd go to one with that same file code, it has the GA symble on it, but when I click on it it just starts spore. Apparently it's some sort of App.

And NOW I can't find it in the other place. This might be more trouble than it's worth. You were ALMOST in the right place. What you were clicking is the actual GA application, the thing that runs the game. You were in the folder SporebinEP1, which is within the SPORE_EP1 folder. Just to make it easy for you, I'll walk you through on how to get to the right place without using search. Open 'My Computer' 2.

Open 'Local Disk C:' 3. Open 'Program Files' 4. Open 'Electronic Arts' 5. Open 'SPORE_EP1' 6. Open 'Data' You should now be in the same place as I am in the picture in the last post 7. Czech hunter 78 full episode. Right click in the blank white area and click 'Paste' in the menu that pops up This message was edited 1 time.